Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Jay Episode

Jay is no doubt the life of the party no matter where he goes and always has a great story on deck. I'm so happy he came over and shared a few with us.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

The Cedric Episode

Cedric came by, helped himself to some sour patch kids (along with other assorted snacks) and shared his story. Click the link for below for all the fun.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Team WTF Episode

Kathy came along at a time when I was kind of burnt out on running. Her enthusiasm was contagious and we started running together. Not much long after that she signed up for her first 50k. Afterwards I got a text with a video attached thanking me. Without getting too terribly mushy I'll just say that she's held a very special place in my heart ever since. Attached is our account of the Cloudland 50k and what's on the horizon for Team WTF (where's the finish). We probably need shirts.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

The Watson's Episode

Longtime friend of the podcast, Georganne grabbed the mic and ran with it over to her smokin' hot baby daddy, Luke Watson. Minnesota dudes are pretty handsome... Just sayin'. It was so much fun taking a backseat and watching these two make some podcast magic.