Friday, May 25, 2018

The Catfish Taco | Cruel Jewel Episode

This dude came by and showed off his GIANT buckle. He's also signed up for Chattanooga. Knowing he's going to be out there on the course makes me all sorts of giddy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Mark Episode

I've been a fan of Mark's ever since I saw his bloody face running towards me as I was waiting for my sufferbuddy at 2017's G2G. It's been great getting to know Mark and share his story. Now we're both on the hook to do a sub 24hr hundo. I love this community!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Ron Episode

Ron was initially worried that his presidential bid might some how be tarnished by agreeing to hang out in some dude's living room, drink beer and talk about running. We'll have to wait and see if it has any lasting effects but we're happy he dropped by.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The RDJ Episode

Gallagher came by with his alter ego, Race Director Jones (his friends call him Dale/other folks call him Dammit DALE!!!) for a lovely chat about the inaugural San Felasco Fiasco, Gate2Gate, Western States and more. Linkage below. Right click to download or grab it off itunes, etc.