Sunday, December 30, 2018

The New York Nat Episode

I've seen Natalie around at races volunteering her time and being awesome in general so it was nice to have a chat about all things running. Turns out she's pretty rad. Find out for yourself by clicking the link below.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Courtney Episode

Tonight we learned that pasta does indeed make you run fasta, Pearl Izumi are jerks and according to research, Mid Westerners are probably the coolest people ever. BIG round of applause for Court Knee!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Carmen Episode

Carmen is fresh from the Chattanooga 100 and told us all about it. She's also the creator of the tank top running skirt! This and many other great stories by clicking the link below.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Anne Elise Episode

Anne Elise met me for a chilly night run at FM and was kind enough to run at my pace. Afterwards I grabbed a couple of beverages while she procured a smorgasbord of gourmet popcorn. We had a wonderful chat that timed out pretty well because the temperatures were really starting to drop as we were wrapping things up. It was a blast getting to know her and if there is a poster child for the "joy of running" she'd be it.

Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Noah Episode

I first became aware of Noah while he was running by me at a blistering pace looking for the finish line of G2G. I've been trying to get him on the show for a while, so I'm happy to the report the stars finally aligned and I caught up with him towards the tail end of a long run.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Gretchen Episode

Gretchen is well loved in the running community and it's easy to see why; You instantly feel like you've been pals for years. So it was a privilege to share the pavement with her this morning and sit down for a chat afterwards.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Cassady Episode

Cassady is as kind as she is stubborn. I wish she could bottle it and sell it on amazon because I would buy it by the truckload. I've ran alongside Cass for quite a while but it was so nice to slow down and get to hear her story. She's excellent people and you can find that out for yourself by clicking the link below

Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Shauna ParkRun Episode

Shauna is probably best known as the former owner of Durty Nellys but she's also a avid runner and the lady responsible for bringing parkrun to Gainesville. We had a wonderful chat about this great weekly event that's free and open to the public.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Betsy & Georganne - Round two

besties on the track and in real life came by to talk about all things Tom Walker, Keith Brantly, recovery, new business ventures and all points in between. Never a dull moment when these two come through.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Mallory Episode

Mallory swung by this morning for a wonderful chat. I'm grateful she took some of the podsnacks since I have no self control over anything sugar related. Anywho, she's good people and you can hear that for yourself by clicking the link below (right click to download)

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Corey Episode

Mr. Mcleod came all the way down from the highlands of brunchville to talk about running, PT, nutrition, bread making, beer brewing and stuff

Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Tim Episode

Tim may be new to running but he is a natural and has the skills to pay the bills.... or whatever the kids are saying these days. Pertinent info below. Click away!!!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Dennis Episode

I first bumped into Dennis during the last leg of Gallagher's run across the state. Since then he's become a fixture during the Monday night runs at Cypress & Grove. He's a fascinating person and I'm so thankful we had the opportunity to chat over a couple of tasty IPAs. Here's Dennis:

Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Bob Episode

It was nice to share a few miles in the middle of the afternoon during a slightly warmish summer day in Florida with this legit runner. A round of applause for my radio brother from another mother, wonderful human, viral inspiration and "world's okayest runner", Bob.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Stephanie Episode

You can see Steph coming from a mile a away (usually at a high rate of speed) with her trademark pixie hairdo, big smile and always a kind word of encouragement. It was a pleasure getting to know a bit more about her. You can to by clicking the link below

Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Lara Episode

boxer, swimmer, rockstar runner and Topo ( brand ambassador... Lara was kind enough to come over, not beat me up for messing up her name and answer a bunch of questions. We also have the same sunglasses so we're basically new best friends. Such a fun time getting to know Lara! Link below:

Monday, July 23, 2018

The Girls on the Run Episode with Deidre Dodd

Girls on the Run is SO MUCH MORE than a running program. The 10-week program emphasizes the value of social, physical, and emotional wellness! At the end of the season, the girls have not only completed a 5k, but they have also acquired a toolbox of skills to help them navigate the world confidently! REGISTRATION OPENS August 1.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Nat Episode

Nat is ramping up for a full IM next year and agreed to take a tiny break from her training to do the podcast if peach rings were provided. Thankfully the peach rings arrived at just the right moment and audio magic took place. So grab your favorite fruity indulgence and enjoy a lovely chat with Nat.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The WS100 Episode

Below is an unvarnished and unfiltered account of what running a 100 mile foot race can take out of you.... and a gigantic lap dog

Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Adair Episode

I came across Adair's article on FB "Learning to Love Running in My Woman’s Body" and had to have her on the podcast. Not only is she an accomplished runner but she's also an excellent writer/storyteller/book nerd, a champion for female athletes and puts her whole heart into everything she does. It was a thrill chatting with Adair!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Tatiana Episode

I met Tatiana while looking for a damn tractor in the woods. We recently shared a lovely recovery walk on the GHT... during which time I asked her to come over and share her story. If she could bottle her determination and singular focus she'd be rich. It was nice sitting down and having a chat. link below!

Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Jonathan Episode

We had pickle juice slushies, beer and a lovely chat. It's been great getting to know this fellow turtle and music lover.

Friday, May 25, 2018

The Catfish Taco | Cruel Jewel Episode

This dude came by and showed off his GIANT buckle. He's also signed up for Chattanooga. Knowing he's going to be out there on the course makes me all sorts of giddy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Mark Episode

I've been a fan of Mark's ever since I saw his bloody face running towards me as I was waiting for my sufferbuddy at 2017's G2G. It's been great getting to know Mark and share his story. Now we're both on the hook to do a sub 24hr hundo. I love this community!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Ron Episode

Ron was initially worried that his presidential bid might some how be tarnished by agreeing to hang out in some dude's living room, drink beer and talk about running. We'll have to wait and see if it has any lasting effects but we're happy he dropped by.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

The RDJ Episode

Gallagher came by with his alter ego, Race Director Jones (his friends call him Dale/other folks call him Dammit DALE!!!) for a lovely chat about the inaugural San Felasco Fiasco, Gate2Gate, Western States and more. Linkage below. Right click to download or grab it off itunes, etc.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Fields Episode

Trey and Lindsay brought a tin of deliciousness and I brought some silly questions. It was a plant based recipe of awesome sauce. It was a treat getting to meet such a fun couple.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Sunday, April 8, 2018

The Mike Episode

I bumped into Mike at the LGAA 5k. I was hobbling around after my calf seized up and he was kind enough to check on me. One thing led to another and he swung by the apartment to talk and some running type stuff. It was a real treat.

Friday, March 30, 2018

The Santi Episode

He gave me a friendship bracelet and we're brothers now. If you're not jealous by now… you should be. Please, a generously tasteful round of applause for a world renowned physical therapist, strength trainer, life coach & Columbian shaman. Here's Santi!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Sandy & Ben Episode

With life, scheduling and training more on point I'm happy to report that we're back. I'd only talked with Ben briefly during a run before he eased off into the sunset at a blistering pace. So it was good fun hearing his story from a seated position and getting to know Sandy. They're good people and I'm sure you'll agree as soon as you click the link.[right click to download]

Friday, March 2, 2018

Training For The Long Haul Episode

Time to take the theory and talk about the practice—how does someone train to run for the long haul? Patrick Gallagher has been running endurance races for 17+ years. He has completed dozens of ultramarathons and countless road races from 5k to the marathon. Just a few of his running highlights include setting the course record at the Daytona 50 miler with a time that was in the top 70 times for a North American 50 mile finish in 2016, three-time finisher of the Barkley Fall Classic 50k (arguably the hardest 50k on the East Coast), Boston qualifier and finisher, and he will be competing at the Western States 100 in June of this year. Out of the last 600+ days he’s only missed three days of running, with the unbroken streak recently surpassing 470 days in a row. At 42, he feels stronger and more fit than he ever has and so much of his success, he says, can be attributed to increased consistency and reduced injuries. How does he run 100 miles one day and then run the next day without being injured? Is it true he ran 18+ miles immediately before a recent 4.6 mile race and still won his age group and 6th overall? Did he really run across Florida from Cedar Key to St. Augustine in the middle of July just because he thought it’d be a fun challenge? Do tattoos really make you faster? How gnarly are his feet?! What does he think about when running for 100 miles?!

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Wood Episode

I've known Adam and Amanda for a long while. We're all graduates of Durty Nelly's school of questionable decision making and thankfully came out the other side better people. I absolutely love these two and I'm so proud of where they're at in their lives. I'm extremely happy to call them friends.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

The Kathy Episode

When Andi was tiny I'd always see Kathy running around the neighborhood with a big grin on her face. Years later I finally found out why she looked so happy. Running is kinda awesome. Kathy bleeds Orange & Blue and is a rockstar mom. Her devotion to her son and fitness is inspiring so it was nice to finally have a chat.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The LaVonne Episode

Known by many, loved by all; LaVonne lights up a room like no one else. She's a super mom and SUPER hard to keep up with whether she's in the water, on a bike or on foot. It was a pleasure to sit down and have a chat with her.

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Derek Episode

The Lake City flash sped through, tried sour patch kids for the first time, washed it down with beer and shared his story. linkage below.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Nick Episode

Host of Running Tabs Wednesday night fun run at First Magnitude, Nick came by to share the story of his humble beginnings and eat some M&Ms. I'm happy to report that both were done at a solid pace.