Tuesday, December 12, 2017

The Deer Dodge Episode

Getting to train and race with these ladies has ended 2017 on a high note. They're family. https://archive.org/download/TheDeerDodgeEpisode/The%20Deer%20Dodge%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, December 3, 2017

The Caroline Episode

I finally got a chance to sit down with the final member of "Team Conversational Pace". It was nice getting to know her. YOU can do the same by clicking the link below. https://archive.org/download/TheCarolineEpisode_201712/The%20Caroline%20Episode.mp3

Friday, December 1, 2017

The LA Episode

If I were stranded on a deserted island with a handful of runners my next guest would be on the short list of inhabitants. As a socially inept running newbie, LA always made me feel welcome and part of the tribe. I was thrilled to have the chance to spend a good chunk of the day with her. Love her to the moon and back.https://archive.org/download/TheLAEpisode/The%20LA%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, November 26, 2017

The Team Ratelle Episode

Altra's power couple of 2017 came by and laid the smackdown on some T Swift Karaoke and blogged about their feelings. https://archive.org/download/TheJasonSaraEpiose/The%20Jason%20%26%20Sara%20Epiose.mp3

The Amy Queen of the Scots/Sara's BFF Episode

Jason calls her the "Scottish Rocket", Sara calls her bestie and I think I said: "Dang gurl, you fast!" So fast she left behind some delicious tea from her homeland and a hoodie. We covered everything from wild wee's to BQs. It was a pleasure getting to chat with Amy. https://archive.org/download/AmyQueenOfTheScotsEpisode/Amy%20Queen%20of%20the%20Scots%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Betsy & Georganne Episode

These two speedy bffs slowed down long enough to enjoy an ice cold gatorade and grab some road snacks. The link to a super fun and insightful chat can be heard below. you can also check out some of Betsy's favorite kicks at http://runningandwalkingstore.com/ https://archive.org/download/TheBetsyGeorganneEpisode/The%20Betsy%20%26%20Georganne%20Episode.mp3

Saturday, November 4, 2017

The Tommie Strong Episode

Tommie and her dad Craig are always inspiring to watch and constantly run with a purpose. So nice to chat with them both. https://www.pacecenter.org/gate2gate https://archive.org/download/TheTommieStrongEpisode/The%20Tommie%20Strong%20Episode.mp3

Monday, October 30, 2017

The Doctor Eric Episode

Former Pro Baseball player, surgeon, tri beast, sitting president of G3 and family man. Is there anything this man can't do? I'd almost be afraid to ask. We covered a lot of bases. linkage below!https://archive.org/download/TheDoctorEricEpisode/The%20Doctor%20Eric%20Episode.mp3

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

The MJ Episode

It's been a blast getting to know this lady recently. MJ is one of those naturally gifted runners with a metric ton of grit that I'm always inspired by. Realtor by day and ultra beast/adventurer by weekend. She has a great story to tell and also has an omelet recipe to die for… or so I've heard. I'm definitely looking forward to sharing more miles with her for sure. https://archive.org/download/TheMJEpisode/The%20MJ%20Episode.mp3

Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Andy Episode

This is the guy that so many of the previous guests point to when they talk about the beginning of their running journey. From RMC to https://fearlesshealthcoaching.com this guy continues to help a lot of people. It was a pleasure to speak to Andy. #fearless #better2getherhttps://archive.org/download/TheAndyEpisode_201710/The%20Andy%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, October 15, 2017

The Caroline Episode

I met Caroline at a 2RR track workout when we both discovered we were signed up for the same marathon. She's a heck of a runner with a great story to tell https://archive.org/download/TheCarolineEpisode/The%20Caroline%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, October 8, 2017

The Eric Episode

Like a fine wine this dude gets better/faster with agehttps://archive.org/download/TheEricEpisode/The%20Eric%20Episode.mp3

The Gonzales Episode

I adore these two! Stellar runners, parents and human beings all around. Invite them over to your place sometime. You won't be disappointed. Click on the link below to listen to our chat.https://archive.org/download/TheGonzalesEpisode/The%20Gonzales%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Monday, September 25, 2017

The Chris Episide

Chris stopped by for a nice chat. Normally a man of few words, he had plenty to say on this particular occasion. Thanks be to the magical properties of the hot seat. Plus any fan of the Hold Steady is a friend of mine.https://archive.org/download/TheChrisEpisode/The%20Chris%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Allison Episode

Whether your shirt says: RMC, 2RR, FTC or Pancake Patrol (one of those is made up) I'm constantly reminded that we're all connected and good folk as a by product. This week's guest is a super mom & wife by day and a runner & spartan... by other times of the day. Allison is proof that not all superheros wear capes. Unless of course you're doing a Disney race and the costume requires it. https://archive.org/download/TheAllisonEpisode/The%20Allison%20Episode.mp3

Monday, September 4, 2017

The Sarah Episode

After reallocating my professional life to Ocala a few months back I was curious to see how their running community compared to Gainesville's. I'm happy to report that Ocala has some extremely friendly and very fast people... much like my next guest. I had an absolute blast spending a Monday afternoon with my new running buddy, Sarah. https://archive.org/download/TheSarahEpisode/The%20Sarah%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, August 27, 2017

The Wrigley Episode

When Wrigley first sped onto the scene I was almost able to keep him in my sights. With the help of Coach Gallagher and 2RR tribe he's now a force to reckoned with. He's a man of few words and would rather let his feet do the talking so it was great to chat with him before he left me in the dust. https://archive.org/download/TheWrigleyEpisode/The%20Wrigley%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, August 20, 2017

The Scott Episode

True story: I met Scott in the mens room after the melon run Scott: Are you the guy that does the podcast? Me: Yes I am! and so we've been buds ever since... thus breaking the myth that it's poor form to strike up a conversation in a public bathroom. Do it regularly, do it often. Speaking of conversations, you should check out the link below. https://archive.org/download/TheScottEpisode/The%20Scott%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Kristina Episode

It was a real (healthy) treat getting to chat with a bonafide dietitian, beast of a runner and all around sweet soul. Say hi to Kristina! (left click to play | right click to download)https://archive.org/download/TheKristinaEpisode/The%20Kristina%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Jim & Heather Episode

One of the most encouraging and adorable couples in the biz. Jim & Heather stopped by for a wonderful chat. The link is below!https://archive.org/download/TheJimHeatherEpisode/The%20Jim%20&%20Heather%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The Todd Episode

What happens when a couple of nice midwestern (Wisconsin/Minnesota) lads gets together? A nice chat dontcha know. link below: https://archive.org/download/TheToddEpisode/The%20Todd%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, July 9, 2017

The Squires Episode

The Gainesville Sun has called them running's new power couple. While that may not be factually accurate (the sun part) I think they're swell... and you will too by clicking the link below:) https://archive.org/download/TheSquiresEpisode/The%20Squires%20Episode.mp3

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Michael Episode

We covered a lot of ground in this episode... which is easy to do when you're as fast as Mike. So buckle up and enjoy!https://archive.org/download/TheMichaelEpisode/The%20Michael%20Episode.mp3

Monday, July 3, 2017

The TBH Episode

If you have serious squad goals then everyone should have a TAM TAM in their squad. She'll bring you beer that tastes like breakfast, introduce you to forgotten 80s cinematic classics and leave you in stitches. If this UF thing doesn't workout she certainly has a promising career in comedy. Say hi to Tammy! https://archive.org/download/TheTamEpisode/The%20Tam%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The Captain Neon Episode

"Flying" Keith Walker is the captain of all things Neon and that he surveys. Listen to his tale by clicking on the link below. https://archive.org/download/TheCaptainNeonEpisode/The%20Captain%20Neon%20Episode.mp3

Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Lauren Episode

I finally had the chance to sit down with Lauren and hear her story. It was good fun getting to know her. You can do the same by clicking the link below. Right click to play|Left click to download.https://archive.org/download/TheLaurenEpisode/The%20Lauren%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, June 25, 2017

The Jesse Episode

It's always nice to meet a fellow runner who has an affinity for absurd entrance music and likes to wing it more often than not. Meet my new friend, Jesse. https://archive.org/download/TheJessieEpisode/The%20Jessie%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Shawn Episode

Most rockstar runners come along with a rider that would make Beyonce blush. Shawn's requests were simple: Fritos & a PBR tallboy. Having fulfilled said request(s) he agreed to share his story. It went a little something like this... https://archive.org/download/theshawnepisode/Webber.mp3

Sunday, June 11, 2017

The Enoch Episode

It was wonderful officially meeting Enoch and chatting about all things running. The sorted details can be found at the link below. Right click to download the mp3 or subscribe on itunes. Just do a search for "between2runners" and we should pop up. Thanks as always for listening. If you'd like to be a guest on a future episode send me a message on FB or email dastoy@gmail.com. I've been guilted to go run in the rain. BRB!!! https://archive.org/download/TheEnochEpisode/The%20Enoch%20Episode.mp3

Monday, May 15, 2017

The Alice Episode

Alice stopped by for a water, a run and a chat. The run came later and luckily all parties made it out alive on this hot day. Get better acquainted with Alice by clicking the link below. You'll be glad you did. https://archive.org/download/TheAliceEpisode/The%20Alice%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Zac Episode

Fresh from the Zac sandwich scandal and the hit TV series "Who ate my waffle???". Ladies and gentlemen, Zac! https://archive.org/download/ZacEpisode/zac%20episode.mp3

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Saturday, April 29, 2017

The Catherine Episode

So many local runners look to this lady as an inspiration, myself included, and it's no secret why. Cancer survivor, beast of a runner and incredibly sweet and humble. Today's episode was a treat. Say hello to Catherine! https://archive.org/download/CathrineEpisode/Cathrine%20Episode.mp3

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Tim Episode

Tim crashed the computer on the first attempt... the interview was an hour and twenty minutes. He was determined to outdo himself this time. So, put on some stretchy pants, get something to eat, and grab something cold to drink. Here's Tim!https://archive.org/download/TheTimEpisode/The%20Tim%20Episode.mp3

Friday, April 7, 2017

The Better Call Kipp Episode

Not only is this guy a beast of a runner, he's also the guy the rest of us call when we need fixing. Here's Thomas!https://archive.org/download/TheKippEpisode/The%20Kipp%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Karen Episode

This lady lights up a room like no other. Such a positive, energetic soul with a great story to tell. Say hello to Karen!https://archive.org/download/TheKarenEpisode/The%20Karen%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Michelle "swagboss" Episode

Don't let the smile fool you. This lady made a 50 miler look easy and can outdance just about anyone in the 352. Say hi to Michelle! https://archive.org/download/TheMichelleEpisode/The%20Michelle%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Megan Episode

I love her sense of humor and determination. Gumption and laughs to spare I tell you! Ladies and gentlemen, Megan. https://archive.org/download/TheMegsEpisode/The%20Megs%20Episode.mp3

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Cat Episode

A lovely chat with a charm school graduate and dear friend. Brave as she is beautiful... She actually tried the single serving wine from walgreens. Here's Cat! https://archive.org/download/TheCatEpisode/The%20Cat%20Episode.mp3

The Jason & Jenny Episode

This time I talk with the always cheerful power couple Jenny & Jason https://archive.org/download/TheSeitzEpisode/The%20Seitz%20Episode.mp3

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Amy Episode

A brief yet wonderful chat with Coach Amy. Runner, gym rat and a giver with a heart the size of Gainesville. "Be good - Do good." https://archive.org/download/Between2runnersTheAmyEpisode/between2runners%20-%20The%20Amy%20Episode.mp3

Monday, January 30, 2017

The Robin Episode

This time out I talk with a brand new friend who loves coffee and pancakes... we're already off to a great start. Say hi to Robin Politowicz! https://archive.org/download/Between2RunnersTheRobinEpisode/Between2Runners%20-%20The%20Robin%20Episode.mp3

Sunday, January 29, 2017